Lavender Lotion

Lavender Lotion


Lavender Lotion

Lavender, Lavender with Rose, Vanilla or Patchouli

We have meticulously developed a unique formula, harnessing a variety of locally sourced ingredients to create an exclusive lotion that sets itself apart. Enriched with natural elements, our formulation not only nourishes but also provides a protective shield for your skin. With effective absorption, it leaves your skin feeling velvety and supple, free from any greasy residue. Integrate it into your daily routine for optimal and lasting results.

Ingredients: Aqua (purified water), Cocos Nucifera Oil, Emulsifying Wax, Steric Acid Vegetable Glycerin, Helianthus Annus (sunflower) Oil, Corylus Avellana Oil, Limnanthes Alba (meadowfoam) Oil, Oenathera Blennis (evening primrose) Oil, Vitis Vinifera (grape) Seed Oil, Citric Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Essential Oil(s), Lavender Essential Oil, Tetrasodium EDTA


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